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Volunteer Opportunities


we need you!

With flexible scheduling and easy training for anyone who wants to dive in to ministry, volunteering at Lone Star is a fun and fulfilling way to serve God! Read about our ministries and see which area fits you best.


Altar Prayer team

Serve at the altar on Sunday or Monday night. Help assist with salvation and rededication.


Arena Ministry

Come get dirty while helping push steer and setting barrels, during a Team Roping or a Barrel Race. Invest in building relationships in the Cowboy Community. 



Encourage baptism participants, assist them with check-in, towels, and instruct on procedures for water baptism.​


Children's Ministry Team
Get involved as a teacher, classroom assistant, or help families with Check-in within the Kid's area.


Compassion Care Support Group
Walking with people through cancer and other life-threatening diseases as well as supporting caregivers who experience the hardship of caring for loved ones. 


Connect Team

Provide general information and assist with signups for events and classes.

General store


Serves the church by working in the General storing assisting customers with their Lone Star merchandise purchases.



Welcome all guests with a warm smile and a handshake as they enter the church. Help them find their way around the church campus.


Helping Hands Coffee
Raise money for local missions, construction projects, and work in the coffee bar on Sunday mornings. A great way to serve and get some free coffee! 


Helping Hands Local Construction

 If you're a man or woman who likes to work with your hands we need you to be a part of our team. 


Hospital & Homebound Visitation Ministry
Visits and prays with members that are in the hospital, are in-patients rehabilitation facilities or are homebound.   (Update to current (hospital visitation ministry) 



Smile and greet guests as you serve refreshments.

Ladies Ministry

Ladies Ministry Events are supported both prior to and during the event by several areas like: decor, food & hospitality, registration/admissions, promoting & sponsorships, prizes & activities, and greeting & ushering.


Missions Volunteer

Our missions ministry is committed to carrying out "The Great Commission," to make disciples of all nations. (Matthew 28:16-20)


Parking Attendant

Maintain safe traffic flow and provide golf cart transportation on campus.

Prayer Warriors
Intercessory Prayer group that meets weekly.

Prison Ministry 

Feel called to bring Christ to those in prison?  Let us connect you!

Camera operators, video and audio. Training is provided and no experience is needed.


Rodeo Bible Camp
Annual Camp for teens with volunteer opportunities from kitchen to arena and many more. 


Senior Living Ministry
Visits local area assisted living facilities once a month.


Sew Blessed
This is a group of ladies who use their creative gifts to make beautiful quilts to donate to the children for our baby dedications.  They meet twice a month in the Arena Hall.


Social Media

Give others a glimpse of what #LifeatLoneStar is like. Tag us on social media and if we use your content, you’ll get a tag and a shout out.


Three Cross Meat Ministry

Feed... Serve... Pray... Donate. Help us help them. We are always looking for aiding hands or even donations throughout the month. Sorting, distribution, and even meat/animal donations. End hunger by feeding those in need.


Greet guests and assist with seating in the sanctuary. Distribute communion, and give First Time Guests visitor bags. Take care of Pastoral requests and maintain facility integrity.


Youth Ministry Team
Get involved as a small group leader, help in the Cafe, or event volunteer.


If you are interested in serving on one of our Lone Star Service Teams, please click on the signup form button, and one of our staff will contact you with more information.

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